Državna matura riješeni zadaci- matematika A razina, LJETO 2016. god. (postupak)


U prilogu se nalaze riješeni zadaci (Matematika A razina) sa državne mature, ljeto 2016.god.
U prvom prilogu se nalazi prvih 15 zadataka dok u drugom ostali zadaci.

Ukoliko ima kakvih nejasnoća pošaljite mail na eugen.sunic@live.com

Link na maturu, Matematika A razina 2016, ljeto: https://www.scribd.com/doc/316830479/MAT-A-razina-pitanja


In the attachment below you can find solved problems from the 2016 (summer) math exam, level A.
Students across the country must pass this exam in order to inscribe them-self to a desired faculty.

If you have any question, refer to eugen.sunic@live.com

Exam link, Mathematics A level, 2016, summer: https://www.scribd.com/doc/316830479/MAT-A-razina-pitanja

Riješeni zadaci s postupkom, 1.dio/solved problems with steps, first part:
MAT A, viša razina, ljeto 2016.god. 1.dio

Riješeni zadaci s postupkom, 2.dio/solved problems with steps, second part:

MAT A, viša razina, ljeto 2016.god. 2.dio

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